Men's Housing
JACOA offers transitional living for men who are struggling with dependency, and co-occurring disorders. Residents are assisted with job placement, relapse prevention, and life management. We also offer individual counseling sessions which are provided by a licensed therapist. All applicants must have completed a 28 day inpatient residential A & D program within the past six months, provide a negative UD, complete application for residence, and be approved by JACOA's staff prior to admission.
The only forms of MAT (medication-assisted treatment) currently accepted in our men's housing facilities at this time include Vivitrol/naltrexone/naloxone/Narcan, Acomprosate/Campral, Disulfiram/Antabuse, Revia, and other forms of NON-NARCOTIC, NON-OPIOID (or benzodiazepine) medications. We do not accept those choosing to take MAT's that include Suboxone, Subutex, Sublocade, buprenorpine, methadone, ketamine, benzodiazepines, or other narcotic opioid medications that may not be listed here.

Senator Bobby Carter House
For interest in the Senator Bobby Carter House, Housing the Indigent:
Please call (731) 427-2775